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Watch NASA astronaut Scott Kelly board the International Space Station, as he begins a year in space

Because we’re clearly living in the future, you can already watch a YouTube video of NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Kornienko boarding the International Space Station. After taking off from Kazakhstan on Friday March 27, it took only six hours for the men to reach the ISS. Once inside they were greeted by NASA’s Terry Virts, Roscosmos’ Anton Shkaplerov, and Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency (ESA), who will be their crewmates aboard the station.

The video also features some adorable footage of the astronauts speaking to their families for the first time since launching into space. Kelly and Kornienko will remain in orbit for a full year in order to conduct research on the effects of long duration space travel. Kelly’s twin, fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, will serve as a crucial comparison point back on Earth.

For those who want to learn more, there’s also footage of the rocket docking with the space station (it’s a more technical video) and the NASA Twitter account has been posting photos as well. Those who want to follow Kelly’s journey on social media can check out his personal Twitter account as well as the account for the International Space Station.

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