These Japanese miniature food videos are totally addictive

Tiny pancakes! Squee!

Tiny pancakes! Squee!

It’s hard to figure out exactly what’s so satisfying about these miniature food videos uploaded on the Japanese YouTube channel Miniature Space, yet for whatever reason I just can’t stop watching them.

They’re kind of similar to those mini kitchen videos Boing Boing highlighted back in 2011 (both feature an anonymous pair of hands silently preparing food in a tiny kitchen). But while those mini kitchen videos used fake plastic food, the Miniature Space ones actually prep real food in teeny, tiny cookware. Some focus on assembly—like a strawberry cake, a sushi plate, and a konapun pudding. Others require actual cooking (over a tealight)—like a tiny stack of pancakes or this itty-bitty onion ring tower.

Mini Food ramen JIRO 食べれるミニチュア次郎系ラーメン

Mini Food Onion Ring Tower 食べれるミニチュア オニオンリングタワー / Edible Miniature Onion Ring Tower!

Mini Food cake 食べれるミニチュア いちごのケーキ / Cute Miniature Strawberry Shortcake!