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How "compassion fatigue" affect doctors' decisions

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In this episode, we talk to Danielle Ofri, physician and author of What Doctors Feel, a book about the emotional lives of doctors and how compassion fatigue, biases, and other mental phenomena affect their decisions, their motivations, and their relationships with patients.

You’ll also hear Ofri discuss emotional epidemiology, the viral-like spread of fear and other emotions that can lead to irrational panics like those we’ve already seen surrounding Ebola, the Swine Flu, SARS, and other illnesses.

Danielle Ofri specializes in internal medicine at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Her articles and essays have been published at the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and others. She has appeared on CNN and NPR, and her lectures are popular around the country. She is the author of several books about the lives of doctors and their relationships with patients including “What Doctors Feel” and “Intensive Care.

After the interview, I discuss a news story how meat-eating humans see animal minds much differently than do vegetarians and vegans.

In every episode, before I read a bit of self delusion news, I taste a cookie baked from a recipe sent in by a listener/reader. That listener/reader wins a signed copy of my new book, “You Are Now Less Dumb,” and I post the recipe on the YANSS Pinterest page. This episode’s winner is Beth Goldowitz who submitted a recipe for CCCP cookies. Send your own recipes to david {at}

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Carnivores Make Low Estimates of Animal Minds

Don’t Mind Meat? The Denial of Mind to Animals Used for Human Consumption

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