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Tweet-length programs, written in Wolfram Language


Here’s a gallery of programs written in the Wolfram Language, short enough to fit in a tweet — and producing lovely results.

If you write one yourself, tweet it to @WolframTaP and Wolfram’s twitterbot will run it and tweet the result. The stream is pretty fun to observe — people send in some great programs.

A few other fun ones:

As Stephen Wolfram writes about his “tweetable program” project:

In the past, only ordinary human languages were rich enough to be meaningfully used for tweeting. But what’s exciting now is that it seems like the Wolfram Language has passed a kind of threshold of general expressiveness that lets it, too, be meaningfully tweetable. For like ordinary human languages, it can talk about all sorts of things, and represent all sorts of ideas. But there’s also something else about it: unlike ordinary human languages, everything in it always has a precisely defined meaning—and what you write is not just readable, but also runnable.

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