NYPD officers who wikiwashed police brutality pages will get wrist-slaps

The two officers blamed for hundreds of anonymous edits to Wikipedia pages on victims of police brutality, made from the NYPD's IP block, will face minor discipline for using work computers for non-work activities.

“That is their First Amendment right,” a law enforcement source said.

The NYPD doesn’t have a policy specific to accessing Wikipedia but is in the process of reviewing its social media rules to give additional guidance to its personnel, Bratton said.

The two NYPD officers are likely to only face a minor reprimand for using department computers for personal activity, sources said.

“We are quite clear that when you are using city computers it is supposed to be for city business. This was not authorized business,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Monday.

2 NYPD Officers Who Edited Wikipedia Pages Face Slap on Wrist [Murray Weiss/DNA]