Kickstarting a new volume of Rudy Rucker's journals

The wild and talented cyberpunk original Rudy Rucker is kickstarting a volume of his journals, from 1990-2014, inspired by Kafka's journals, and "as long as three or four novels put together."

I've got some of Rucker's other kickstarted books, and they're beautifully produced, with Rucker's own surreal art on the cover. $10 gets you an ebook; $50 gets you the print edition plus ebooks of much of Rucker's other books.

My Journals contain a variety of elements.

Introspection and philosophizing. I turn to my journals when I’m undergoing a personal crisis—I find it calming to write what’s on my mind. And I'm always looking for an easy path to enlightenment.


Journalism. I like to describe the things that I see going on in the daily world around me. I’ve always enjoyed Jack Kerouac’s practice of using words to sketch a scene around me in real time.


Travel. I’m particularly likely to work on my journals when I’m on the road or on a day-trip. I have many series of entries set in San Francisco, the Wild West, New York, Mexico, the Caribbean, Japan, the South Pacific, and various countries in Europe.


Writing notes. As a transrealist, I like seeing the world in terms of science-fiction, casting daily events as ideas for my books. It's hard to keep writing year after year, and sometimes in my notes I'm encouraging myself to keep at it.
Journals 1990-2014 [Rudy Rucker/Kickstarter]

(Thanks, Rudy!)