Boing Boing Staging

Avengers Vault: origins of Marvel Comics’ mightiest heroes

The Avengers Vault covers the histories and origins of Marvel Comics’ mightiest heroes, The Avengers.

Author Peter A. David serves up comic history in a fashion that makes this book easy to enjoy, even for those that shy away from the convoluted history of these comic characters. What makes this book truly special is the “hands on” material included with each of the Avengers profiled in the book: reproductions of the original comics covers, mini-posters of major story arcs, and even early drafts of pages pulled right from the Marvel Comics vault. Even for a fan of The Avengers who prides him- or herself on knowing random tidbits of information, this book manages to expand that knowledge in an interactive way that just couldn’t be done in the digital format. The Avengers Vault is a great book for Marvel fans, and any book that includes pull-out reproductions of anything Jack Kirby drew during his storied career is hard to pass up. – Jorge Luis

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