The Secret Service's history of booze, bullets, bombs, and hookers

To celebrate the Secret Service's latest booze-fueled incident, in which a drunken agent crashed a car into a White House Security barricade and possibly ran over a bomb, Bloomberg's Arit Johnson takes a look at a few other recent Secret Service escapades:

[I]n recent years the Secret Service has bounced from one alcohol-and-incompetency fueled scandal to the next: prostitutes and partying in El Salvador, prostitutes and partying in Colombia, a drunk agent passed out in the hallway of a hotel in The Netherlands, plus another in Miami, an armed contractor in the elevator, sniper bullets that hit the White House, last fall’s fence jumper, and the downplaying of the fence jumper. Nearly two years ago, a woman was shot and killed by Capitol Police and Secret Service officers during a car chase after she made a U-turn and fled a White House checkpoint. A wrongful death suit has been filed by the family of the woman, Miriam Carey.

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