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NYPD caught wikiwashing Wikipedia entries on police brutality

Anonymous users from NYPD’s IP block have made questionable edits to the Wikipedia entries on high-profile police brutality victims including Eric Garner, Sean Bell, and Amadou Diallo.

An NYPD spokesthug says the matter is under internal investigation, which will doubtless root out all wrongdoing and end it forever.

● “Garner raised both his arms in the air” was changed to “Garner flailed his arms about as he spoke.”

● “[P]ush Garner’s face into the sidewalk” was changed to “push Garner’s head down into the sidewalk.”

● “Use of the chokehold has been prohibited” was changed to “Use of the chokehold is legal, but has been prohibited.”

● The sentence, “Garner, who was considerably larger than any of the officers, continued to struggle with them,” was added to the description of the incident.

● Instances of the word “chokehold” were replaced twice, once to “chokehold or headlock,” and once to “respiratory distress.”

Edits to Wikipedia pages on Bell, Garner, Diallo traced to 1 Police Plaza [Kelly Weill/Capital New York]

(Thanks, WD!)

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