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Ferguson city manager, police chief resign

UPDATE: Police chief Thomas Jackson is gone, too.

John Shaw is out of a job. After an uncompromising Justice Department report cited racial bias of city employees and police officers, city councillors unanimously agreed he should resign.

Last year, one of Shaw’s officers, Darren Wilson, shot dead Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager. The killing led to months of protests and clashes in the St. Louis suburb, echoed by gatherings in other cities and even abroad.

Shaw is out only days after claiming that the report on Ferguson’s government and police racism did not reflect the values of Fergusons’s government and police force.

Though the Justice Department found insufficient evidence to charge Wilson, it uncovered dozens of examples of racial bias and bigotry. Moreover, it connected this pattern to revenues, saying the targeting of minorities effectively functioned as a “money-making enterprise” and specifically naming Shaw as encouraging police to ticket motorists.

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