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Help the UK Pirate Party write its 2015 election manifesto

A reader writes: “The UK Pirate Party is launching their 2015 crowdsourced policy platform for their manifesto leading to the 2015 general election.”

We’ve been proud to run on British politics’ first crowd sourced manifesto. And of course it’s time to update and upgrade. This process will run until the 21st of March online and offline and will allow the party to make sure our positions are up to date, and up to scratch for the General Election. To get it right, we need your help:

You can tell us about your ideas, and discuss it publicly on or join the discussion on reddit.

So jump in and share what you want to see happen. It doesn’t need to read like a government document, it just needs to be clear what you want to see happen.

The last time we did this thousands of people (members of the party and otherwise) took us from a single-issue party into one with a broad, sensible manifesto, covering a whole range of areas – from the NHS to Education, from Justice to Civil Liberties, from Social Policy to the EU and many areas inbetween

Policy 2015 [Pirate Party UK]

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