Boing Boing Staging

Upcoming film, Reality, puts Jon Heder in a rat suit

Reality by French filmmaker Quentin Dupieux (better known as the DJ Mr. Oizo) looks good. Philip Glass on the score, all color corrected in 70s browns and yellows, and Jon Heder in a rat suit for the entire thing. Critics who’ve seen it, really like it (“Not Just Another Headscratcher by Dupieux”).

It arrived this week in Europe and, according to a story in Variety, should hit the US in April, carried by IFC Midnight.

I did sit through his previous effort, Rubber (on Netflix and Amazon), about a car tire with the power to kill with its mind. Silly and unwatchable, it proved Dupieux has no qualms about wasting an audience’s time. It looks like this one is a more entertaining pointlessness.

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