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Write for Wink – and get paid!

Calling all writers! Wink needs reviewers! Wink is launching a new site, Wink Fun, which will feature daily reviews of games, toys, puzzles, kits, extreme sports gear, dolls, and anything else that is purely for FUN.

We are currently looking for Wink Fun AND Wink Book reviewers, and each published review pays $30 (via Paypal). If you are interested, read on for details.

For both Wink Fun and Wink Books, here is what we need:

  1. A 1-3 paragraph review of the product.
  2. A SQUARE “cover shot” of the item (either the cover of the book or the toy/game/kit/etc. The cover shot should include an interesting background – please no white plain walls. Look at Wink Books for ideas.
  3. 2-9 “inside shots” of the item (the pieces of the game, different angles of the toy, inside pictures of the book, etc).
  4. Send all photos as large as possible – they should be at least 1200 pixels across.
  5. Don’t forget to include your name, and the name of the product, publisher or company that produces the product.
  6. Send everything to

Note: The books we feature on Wink Books should be beautiful books that belong on paper, not an e-reader. Please no novels unless they are paper-worthy, such as very graphical novels or novels that include special goodies that you wouldn’t be able to squeeze out of an electronic reader. And Wink Fun stuff should be analog items: fun you can hold, throw, sit on, break into two…

If writing for Wink Books, please first look up the book you’d like to review on our site to make sure it hasn’t already been reviewed. Since Wink Fun doesn’t launch until April it’s not possible to look the fun items already in the queue, but you are welcome to email me for a list of what’s in the line-up at

If the review is a good fit for Wink we will let you know when it’s scheduled to run. If you don’t hear from us within four weeks it means it wasn’t a good fit. We will try to make them all good fits!

If you have any questions, email me at

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