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Help these young dames get to the Game Developers Conference


Toronto-based nonprofit Dames Making Games runs events and programs for women, non-binary, queer, trans and gender non-conforming creators who want to get into game design.

“We believe game-making can be an act of resistance, giving creators ultimate agency in the expression of their identities, politics, selves, genders and sexualities. Our work has the power to transform our communities, and positively impact industry policies and practice.

We believe that creating space and time to make and talk about games in an explicitly feminist context elevates the craft, amplifies alternative and diverse narratives, and supports the socio-cultural changes that are necessary to make game design accessible to all.”

Currently DMG has just about a week left to finish fundraising so that some of its constituency — mostly young students, freelancers and low-income folks — can attend the annual Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. They’ve already been granted pricey passes on scholarship, but the travel arrangements themselves are cost-prohibitive. Going to GDC could be a crucial learning and networking opportunity for these folks.

If you’re interested in learning more about DMG and considering supporting, check out their site. It’s one possible answer to that guy you know who’s always saying “yes, sexism in tech is terrible, but what can be done?”

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