A collection of links to make you think, scream, giggle and then think again.
EFF Vows to Continue the Fight Against Mass Surveillance After Disappointing Ruling
- EFF's long-running campaign to sue the US government over mass surveillance hit a snag when a judge decided that the attorney general's invocation of "state secrecy" meant that he couldn't rule on whether spying was constitutional. State secrecy was invoked to cover the details of programs that were already revealed by Edward Snowden and featured on the front page of every newspaper in the world. EFF will fight on — this is just one setback in a huge, ambitious legal fight.
This Family Lives In A Tree House That Looks Like A Castle. Wait Until You See Inside
- The multi-room treehouse features a separate kids' annex joined to parents' quarters by a rope-bridge.
Could Communication Overload Result in Police Mistakes?
- American cops are tethered to their cars by masses of attention-dividing gear that puts them into a "polysocial reality": "overlapping network transaction spaces that people traverse synchronously and asynchronously with others to maintain and use social relationships via various apps, mobile services, sensors, platforms, technologies and conversation spaces."
Jeb Bush dumps emails including social security numbers of Florida residents online
- Transparency: you're doing it wrong.
Melanie's Marvelous Measles
- Hard to believe this isn't a parody, but if it is, it's pretty dry. An anti-vaxxer's picture book for kids explaining how great it is to be infected with measles. Seriously. One review proposes sequels like "Cole Herb's Heavenly Herpes" and "Bobby's Bitchin Bubonic Plague."