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Free ebook: "Marriage" by HG Wells

Marriage is a surprising story about relationships and people by science fiction legend, HG Wells.

Mark suggested I spend sometime looking through Amazon’s free kindle ebooks. When I saw this title, and its respective author, I was intrigued. Having read the book, I’m amazed.

Wells explores the bonds of marriage, probing at the complexity of agreements, compromises and sacrifices, many unspoken, that make it so fascinating. Written outside the anticipated frame of science fiction and, solidly in turn of the 19th century Edwardian culture, we are introduced to Madge and Rag. Watch as this pair of young lovers shape their lives around one another. Madge is the daughter of a rich industrial family, and Rag is a budding young scientist. How they change at various times in their lives, for one another, and themselves, is a story amazingly well told.

While it is not science fiction, I enjoyed Wells inclusion of ideas in this book around obsoletism, the industrial family fights a losing battle to manufacture carriages in the time of automobiles, and Rag’s inclusion of science into his professional forays.

Be forewarned, this book is a monster in length. As it is a digital download I had no idea it was 500+ pages.

Marriage by HG Wells free for Amazon Kindle

Marriage by HG Wells free via Project Gutenberg

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