This week Xeni, Jason, and Mark talk about the gadget approach to making good fried chicken and an affordable, retro-inspired solution to experiencing vinyl.

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In episode 024, Jason talks about his Lodge Cast Iron Chicken Fryer & Lid, plus shares some cooking tips, and Mark shares his all-in-one solution to experiencing vinyl and digital, the Electrohome Retro Hi-Fi Stereo System.

Mark's picks:

Electrohome Retro Hi-Fi Stereo System
My kids want to experience vinyl. This record player will let them have that experience, plus the player has USB audio, CD and MP3 CD, aux input, a radio, remote control, and it will let you rip vinyl to MP3.

Plus, Spike Priggen's excellent Pop-Psych, Garage & Freakbeat playlist on Spotify.

Jason's pick:

Lodge Cast Iron Chicken Fryer & Lid
I’ve been using this affordable, cast iron pan to make amazing fried chicken for years. The recipe and process are important, but a good kitchen tool really helps!

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