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Andy Offutt, insanely prolific porn pioneer

Chris Offutt, son of Andrew J Offutt, a golden age science fiction author, reveals that his father wrote and published hundreds of early porn novels, pioneering descriptions of the clitoris in men’s stroke-books, producing at least one book a month.

Offutt, who died in 2013, wrote his pornography under several pen-names. In a beautifully recounted, sweet and sad memorial, Offutt’s son describes the way he came to terms with his father’s life’s work, his alienation from his kids, and creativity while sorting through the titanic quantity of papers his father left behind.

Manuscripts of science fiction and fantasy received multiple revisions, but he had to work much faster on porn. After a longhand first chapter, he typed the rest swiftly, made editorial changes and passed that draft to my mother. She retyped it for final submission. At times, Mom would be typing the beginning of the book while Dad was still writing the end.

His goal was a minimum of a book a month. To achieve that, he refined his methods further, inventing a way that enabled him to maintain a supply of raw material with a minimum of effort. He created batches in advance — phrases, sentences, descriptions and entire scenes on hundreds of pages organized in three-ring binders. Tabbed index dividers separated the sections into topics.

Eighty percent of the notebooks described sexual aspects of women. The longest section focused on their bosoms. Another binder listed descriptions of individual actions, separated by labeling tabs that included: Mouth. Tongue. Face. Legs. Kiss. The heading of Orgasm had subdivisions of Before, During and After. The thickest notebook was designed strictly for B.D.S.M. novels with a list of 150 synonyms for “pain.” Sections included Spanking, Whipping, Degradation, Predegradation, Distress, Screams, Restraints and Tortures. These were further subdivided into specific categories followed by brief descriptions of each.

Dad was like Henry Ford applying principles of assembly-line production with pre-made parts. The methodical technique proved highly efficient. Surrounded by his tabulated notebooks, he could quickly find the appropriate section and transcribe lines directly into his manuscript. Afterward, he blacked them out to prevent plagiarizing himself. Ford hired a team of workers to manufacture a Model-T in hours. Working alone, Dad could write a book in three days.

My Dad, the Pornographer [Chris Offut/New York Times]

(via Metafilter)

(Image: William Mebane)

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