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Young Moons (Water Worlds book 1) by HSSt Ours

Young Moon (Water Worlds Book 1)

While I was on vacation Harry sent me Young Moon. This fantastic dystopian future is told from the point of view of a young Chinese/Korean girl, growing up in a communist society!

Young Moon is the first installment in a series about the post apocalyptic terraforming of our galaxy, each story told from the point of view of a young female protagonist. This book sets the series up nicely and introduces Young Moon. Young Moon is given a front row seat to the destruction of the Earth through her father’s work as a spy in the Korean and Chinese space agencies. The story is largely told in the first person, by Young Moon, and is very strong. The descriptions of places and events, character voices and opinions do a wonderful job of transporting me into Harry S. St. Ours dystopian future.

I’m looking forward to the rest of the series, of which Harry has completed 4 of 7.

Young Moon (Water Worlds Book 1)

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