Bryan “Griaffedata” Henderson is on a mission to change every instance of “comprised of” to “composed of” or “consists of” — and he’s written a manifesto on the subject.
The phrase “comprised of” is a poor wording in Wikipedia.
“Composed of” and “consists of” are good alternatives.*
Many people consider “comprised of” to be incorrect usage, rooted in confusion between the verbs “to comprise” and “to compose”.*
Style manuals usually advise against the phrase.*
Not everyone agrees “comprised of” is wrong, but no one finds it better than the alternatives.*
“Comprised of” acceptance does not vary regionally.*
I have been actively removing the phrase from Wikipedia articles for years.*
Some people object to this work. Some don’t, but think it is a waste of my time. Rarely, someone reverts one of these edits on principle.*
Many people appreciate the work.*
“Comprises of” is similarly poor wording.
One Man’s Quest to Rid Wikipedia of Exactly One Grammatical Mistake [Andrew McMillen/Backchannel]
(Image: Red pencil, Aguzer, CC0)