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Wikipedian corrects 15,000+ instances of "comprised of"

Bryan “Griaffedata” Henderson is on a mission to change every instance of “comprised of” to “composed of” or “consists of” — and he’s written a manifesto on the subject.


The phrase “comprised of” is a poor wording in Wikipedia.

“Composed of” and “consists of” are good alternatives.

Many people consider “comprised of” to be incorrect usage, rooted in confusion between the verbs “to comprise” and “to compose”.

Style manuals usually advise against the phrase.

Not everyone agrees “comprised of” is wrong, but no one finds it better than the alternatives.

“Comprised of” acceptance does not vary regionally.

I have been actively removing the phrase from Wikipedia articles for years.

Some people object to this work. Some don’t, but think it is a waste of my time. Rarely, someone reverts one of these edits on principle.

Many people appreciate the work.

“Comprises of” is similarly poor wording.

One Man’s Quest to Rid Wikipedia of Exactly One Grammatical Mistake [Andrew McMillen/Backchannel]

(Image: Red pencil, Aguzer, CC0)

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