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The Remaining: Refugees, DJ Molles excellent zombie adventures

The Remaining: Refugees

DJ Molles zombie stories are some of my favorites. I put off reading his third installment, The Remaining: Refugees, and could wait no longer!

I am shocked that I can’t find a previous review for this series on Boing Boing, I was sure I’d written one or two! These are my current favorite post-apocalyptic zombie novels!

Captain Lee Holden is one of 50 operatives in the US Government’s ‘Operation Hometown.’ Each man has been trained to survive, has experienced horrible combat and living conditions, and then equipped with several storehouses filled with tons of material to help America rebuild after an apocalypse. The FURY virus strikes the world and most of its population is turned into raving, hungry zombies. Lee’s job is to help America reestablish itself as a society we’d all want to live in, and not a network of warlords and dictators.

The first two novels show Lee’s struggles to find survivors and then to help them establish a survivable foothold in North Carolina, his state. In Refugees, the third novel, word from some of his fellow ‘Operation Hometown’ operatives gives advance warning that a massive, starving tidal wave of zombies is headed south, right at Captain Holden and his ragtag network of communities. Will it be the survivors insider politics, or the evolving zombie disease, FURY, that kills them all?

I love how this series builds fantastic characters and poses them with and against one another in super believable situations. I can believe this future. The action is detailed and vivid without being pedantic, but including all the technical detail I want. Zombies and horror are a part of the story but always wonderful support and not the main show.

I’m saving the next novel for a rainy day.

The Remaining: Refugees

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