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One month to Net Neutrality showdown at FCC: add the countdown to your site!

Evan from Fight for the Future writes, “Today is exactly one month before the FCC’s much anticipated vote on new net neutrality rules — this could be the most important vote for the future of the Internet in our lifetimes.”

Thanks to a massive Internet-wide uprising, we are closer than ever before to winning real net neutrality protections, but giant cable companies are still doing everything in their power to stop us.

So starting today, we are launching the Internet Countdown — a sustained, Internet-wide protest, where we’re calling for sites and blogs to display a countdown timer widget, so that the entire Internet is literally ticking off the seconds until we get net neutrality, and bombarding Washington, DC with phone calls in the process.

Got a site? Wanna join? Here’s how.

Join the Internet Countdown

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