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Watch DARPA unveil untethered ATLAS for 2015 robotic challenge

The 2015 DARPA Robotic Challenge (DRC) is upping the ante, making the ATLAS robot used in competition self-contained and redesigned from the knees up. The robot that best completes a series of difficult physical tasks wins $2 million for the team.

The ATLAS redesign was handled by Google-owned Boston Dynamics. It will run on a battery pack and has a much quieter pump than last year’s model, the first that does not require hearing protection for the operators. It will also not have a safety tether or hardwired comm link. If the robot falls and can’t recover, it is disqualified.

Their website has more details. The DRC Finals start June 5 in Pomona, California and are free to attend.

DARPA Robotics Challenge website

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