GOP accuses Obama of being President

Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker nails it: "If you continue to fulfill the duties of President of the United States that are expressly permitted in the Constitution, you are playing with fire."

Calling him the “Law Professor-in-Chief,” Rep. Stockman accused Mr. Obama of “manipulating a little-known section of the Constitution,” Article II, which outlines the power of the President.

“President Obama looks down the list of all of the powers that are legally his and he’s like a kid in a candy store,” Rep. Stockman said. “It’s nauseating.”

The Texas congressman said that if Mr. Obama persists in executing the office of the Presidency as defined by the Constitution, he could face “impeachment and/or deportation.”

Republicans Accuse Obama of Using Position as President to Lead Country [Andy Borowitz/The New Yorker]

(via Mitch Wagner)

(Image: Tea Party tax day protest 2010, Fibonacci Blue, CC-BY)