Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


“Dr. Martin Luther King press conference, March 26, 1964.”

A photograph from the Library of Congress, by Marion S. Trikosko, via Flickr Commons.

“You had a dream of a promised land.
People of all nations walking hand in hand
But they’re not ready to accept
That dream situation, yet.”

UB40 - King (Signing Off Album Track 2)

Below, images from the Moncrief Photograph Collection of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, via Flickr Commons.

April 8, 1968, Hattiesburg (Miss.) march in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., four days after his death. According to a Hattiesburg American article that day, approximately 1,500 marchers started at East Sixth and Mobile Streets, stopped at City Hall for a prayer service, continued to the Forrest County courthouse for a silent prayer, then returned to East Sixth and Mobile Streets. The march coincided with a week-long boycott of schools and white-owned businesses and a 3-day work stoppage.


