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The Line (Witching Savannah Book 1) by JD Horn

The Line (Witching Savannah Book 1)

The Line is first in JD Horn’s enchanting Witching Savannah series. The old South and the supernatural just seem to go hand in hand.

Mercy Taylor was born into Savannah’s greatest witching family, but has no powers of her own. She makes the most out of her normal life, leading Gothic tours of Savannah, while her twin sister Maisie appears to be the real deal — an incredibly powerful witch. All of that changes on her 21st birthday, however, when a murder upsets the power balance of her family and the world.

I read through his book in one sitting. The characters grabbed me and the story moved along at a fantastic pace. This was a welcome break from the space operas and zombie novels I’ve read so much of lately.

The Line (Witching Savannah Book 1) by JD Horn

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