Director Neill Blomkamp (District 9) shares art from abandoned Alien sequel

Oh shit

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Director Neill Blomkamp, best known for the dystopian masterpiece "District 9", was apparently set to be part of a new film project in the world of Ridley Scott's Alien. The news broke yesterday via an odd source: Blomkamp's personal Twitter and Instagram accounts.

“Was working on this,” he wrote. “Don't think I am anymore. Love it though.” The Instagrammed images include Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and Corporal Dwayne Hicks (Michael Biehn).

"Woulda rocked," Blomkamp said. "Was a mental stroll into the world Ridley Scott created."

Blomkamp's take on the Xenomorph looks awesome, faithful, but different. Below, some of the images he shared, which include work by artist Geoffroy Thoorens.

It'll be interesting to see what more, if anything, comes out about a project that presumably won't happen. What a loss for all fandom.

[via Game Informer]

Awesome Art by Geoffroy Thoorens #hicks

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#weyland corp

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Woulda rocked. Was a mental stroll into the world Ridley Scott created.

A photo posted by Brownsnout (@neillblomkamp) on

Was working on this. Don't think I am anymore. Love it though. #alien #xenomorph

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#ripley #hicks

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