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Kenya's Parliament erupts into chaos as government rams through brutal "anti-terrorism" law

MPs shredded their papers and threw them, and got into fistfights with one another over the new law, which allows the government to imprison suspects for 360 days without charge, and to fine press outlets millions for publishing articles “likely to cause fear or alarm” (this term is not defined in the statute).

MPs tore order papers to protest security amendments bill prompting speaker Justin Muturi to adjourn house sitting for 30 minutes.

“Order members, order, we are adjourning the House for 30 minutes to resume at 11.35,” he said amid noise.

Kenya’s parliament is due to vote on a bill to let police hold suspects in terrorism-related cases for a year and take other measures that rights activists say would threaten civil liberties and free speech.

Following failure to restore order after the 30 minutes break, the House was further adjourned until 2.30pm as legislators engaged in physical fight.

Chaos disrupt Parliament special sitting on Security Bill [Standard Reporter and Reuters]

(Thanks, Deji)

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