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Fight for the Future gives the FCC a holiday break, asks you to write Congress about Net Neutrality instead

Evan from Fight for the Future writes, “In the last two months, net neutrality supporters (like you?) have helped us drive more than 55,000 phone calls to desks at the FCC demanding real Title II net neutrality.”

That’s a lot. Like, 1,000 phone calls per day. Best part: we’re going right around the FCC’s switchboard and connecting people directly to FCC officials.

FCC employees are people too. So, we’re going to give the FCC a little holiday break this week. But if they don’t show us on their December 11th meeting that they’re headed in the right direction, we’ll be back, and in greater numbers.

Want to help the fight right now? Send an email to Congress telling them not to be idiots about net neutrality, it’s not a partisan issue.

We’re giving the FCC a holiday break!

(Thanks, Evan!)

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