Boing Boing Staging

Custom literary matchboxes for chasing away poo-gas

From Burlington, VT’s Dippy Lulu, Literary Lites are custom-made matchboxes that look like Penguin classics, with punny, poop-oriented titles, intended for use in the bathroom to light after particularly stinky Number Twos. They come in six, color-coded sets of three match-boxes each.

Orange set: Great Expellations, Fart of Darkness, The Prince and the Pooper

Light blue set: Van Winkle Ripped, The Great Gasby, The Ill Wind in the Willows

Green set: Atlas Sharted, Jane Air, The Outhouse at Pooh Corner

Purple set: One Flew out of the Cuckoo’s Bum, Animal Fart, Watershit Down

Yellow set: Howard’s Rear End, A Back Passage to India, A Rest Room with a View

Blue set: Fifty Shades of Brown, Lord of the Farts, A Game on the Throne

Literary Lites

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