This week, Mark, Xeni and Jason talk about their new gadgets for archival scanning and e-reading.

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In episode 020, Mark talks about his Fujitsu ScanSnap, which enables quick and convenient archival book scans, and Jason reviews Amazon's latest e-reader, the Kindle Voyage.

Mark's picks:

scansnapThe Fujitsu ScanSnap SV600 ($(removed))
Quickly scans books and magazines without damaging them. It takes about three seconds to scan a large two-page spread. The software lets you adjust for the curve and remove your fingers if you need to use them to hold the book open.

Jason's picks:

voyageKindle Voyage ($(removed))
The latest and greatest in Amazon’s single purpose e-reader lie. Now with a glass screen, higher resolution and some haptic buzzers.

kindle coverOrigami Leather Cover ($(removed))

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