Crowdfunding Jolla, a GNU/Linux-powered high-spec tablet

Jolla Tablet. We make it. You make it yours.

It runs an OS called Sailfish that can use Android apps as well its own native apps, and was created by a team with a bunch of senior Nokia refugees on it.

The tablet itself is super high-spec and competitively priced (and total vapourware at this point, caveat emptor). The OS is built on GNU/Linux with the Qt application framework. The company advertises itself as privacy-friendly and promises never to sell or share your data and not to build in any intentional back-doors.

I took a flutter and pre-ordered one.

We want you to tell us how you want your Jolla Tablet to be. It doesn’t matter who you are, you’ll get your voice heard in our community forum It’s here that users can suggest new features for Sailfish OS, as well as discuss ideas with the Jolla Sailors (our development team). Our community votes on whether they’d like to see proposed ideas developed further. Anything that has been voted on by the community is prioritised by the Jolla Sailors.

Our community is a vital part of the process and plays a huge role in making something that is people-made. We already have a solid track record after implementing four out of the eight most voted features to our first product, the Jolla smartphone, during 2014.

Jolla Tablet – world's first crowdsourced tablet

(via OMG Ubuntu)