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8th grader fundraises for school trip with minicomics instead of hustling chocolate bars

Erik writes, “My daughter is raising money to go on her school’s 8th grade trip to DC. She tried doing the school-sponsored chocolate thing, butit’s lot of work for a little pay-off, so now she’s creating minicomics and presidential portraits on Etsy and an Indiegogo campaign…and having way more success.”

My name’s Jemima and I’m an eighth grader, which means that this year is my school’s eighth grade trip. Over spring break, my class will be going to Washington D.C. and New York. Among the places we’ll visit, are the Smithsonian, the Lincoln Memorial, and, of course, the White House. We’ll also go to Colonial Williamsburg, which I’ve always wanted to do. In New York, I know we’ll be seeing the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and possibly even a Mets game. But, as someone who has enjoyed and performed in many different musical theater productions, what I’m honestly the most excited for, is seeing a live Broadway show. Unfortunately, in order to do any of this, I have to raise over $2,500 – which you can help me with! Any donation you can make will be really appreciated, and if you can’t donate, please tell your friends about it! If I don’t end up making enough money, all of your donations will go to my college fund. I will mail all of the perks before the trip. I’ve got a long way to go and not a lot of time, so please, help get me to D.C!

Get Me To D.C!

GetMeToDC [Etsy]

(Thanks, Erik)

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