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UK launch of In Real Life at Orbital Comics, London, Nov 12

I’ve just come back to the UK from my US tour for In Real Life, the New York Times bestselling graphic novel Jen Wang and I made; I’ll be launching it in London at the incomparable Orbital Comics, near Leicester Square, on the evening of Weds, 12 Nov.

The event is free, and I’ll be giving a short talk on science fiction and its relationship to the future, the present, politics and society called “Predicting the present: Science Fiction as a lens for focusing on today.”

I hope you’ll come — and even if you can’t make it, you can get a special copy of the now-sold-out first printing of In Real Life from Orbital with a custom, numbered bookplate signed by both Jen and me.

Orbital Comics London | Predicting the present: Science Fiction as a lens for focusing on today – A talk by Cory Doctorow

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