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EFF leadership change: Cindy Cohn to head organization

Cindy Cohn, Legal Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, will take over from Shari Steele, who is retiring from EFF after 14 years as Executive Director.

Shari Steele is pretty much the only real “boss” I’ve ever had — the only person I’ve worked for as a salaried employee in an organization that I didn’t help to found, and she is a remarkable manager and leader with a gift for keeping harmony among people whose job it is to make trouble. For a decade, I’ve called on her for advice whenever I had a difficult management question of my own to resolve. She will be very sorely missed.

But you couldn’t ask for a better successor than Cindy Cohn, the lawyer who argued the Bernstein Case through which modern cryptography was legalized. She is a tireless fighter with a gift for managing relations between humans, and as sharp an intellect as you’ll ever find.

As sad as I am to see Shari go, the fact that Cindy’s stepping up is amazing news.

Thank you, Shari, for 14 amazing, world-changing years.

Cindy Cohn to Become EFF’s New Executive Director in 2015 [EFF]

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