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Indispensable BBC/OU series on cybercrime starts tomorrow

Mike from the Open University sez, “The OU and the BBC have created a new six part series about cybercrime, presented by the technology journalist Ben Hammersley.”

This is an excellent companion piece to the OU’s cybersecurity MOOC, which I present.

The series was filmed around the world this summer with access to interviewees from all sides of stories about Silk Road, credit card fraud, Nigerian scams, the Pirate Bay, Stuxnet and mass surveillance.

It probably should be required viewing for all politicians before they talk about about security and privacy.

BBC News Channel (UK viewers only): Saturdays at 16:30 AND Sundays
at 16:30. Starts tomorrow Saturday 1st November. [Available on iPlayer for 7 days.]

BBC World News (viewers outside UK): Saturdays at 02:30 & 15:30 AND Sundays at 09:30 & 21:30 – all times GMT, again starts tomorrow Saturday 1st.

OU on the BBC: Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley

(Disclosure: I am a visiting professor in computer science at Open University)

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