Boing Boing Staging

Bob Kane's Grave, the Hand of God, and Batman

tumblr_mn53lhqokF1rk5n91o1_1280-1Bob Kane is most known as the creator of Batman, yet his reputation in the comics industry is far more complex.

Kane’s grave posits Batman as a divine creation delivered straight to Kane’s imagination. And Kane played this up, signing contracts with DC which credited him solely as Batman’s creator throughout both print and film. In reality, a large amount of the enduring Batman mythos can be credited either solely or partially to Bill Finger, such as Robin, the Batmobile, the Joker, and even the very name Bruce Wayne. Kane didn’t publicly acknowledge Finger’s contributions until decades after his death in 1974. For a classic tale of Kane receiving his comeuppance, check out Nick Fury artist Jim Steranko’s story of being slapped by the Dark Knight’s ostensible creator and returning that slap back.

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