Boing Boing Staging

SkyMall parody better than the real thing

For years, airlines have provided complimentary seatback copies of the SkyMall catalog for passengers who don’t know what to do with their used chewing gum. They also come in handy to remind you that there are millions of people eager to spend their hard-earned money on garbage. For the guys in the Kasper Hauser comedy troupe, the SkyMall catalog serves a third purpose: fodder for a howlingly funny parody.

In 2006 I reviewed the first SkyMaul catalog: SkyMaul: Happy Crap You can Buy from a Plane. Today marks the release of SkyMaul 2: Where America Buys His Stuff, an equally funny followup to the first catalog. The copy for the fake products is pitch perfect. I wish the Camping Coma Pills were really for sale – I’d take them.

SkyMaul 2: Where America Buys His Stuff

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