Kickstarting another season of the outstanding Relatively Prime math podcast

Relatively Prime Series 2 Kickstarter Video

Samuel Hansen's fantastic math podcast is everything a technical program should be deep but accessible, thoughtful but funny, and free for all; the new season is on Kickstarter for a few more hours! I put in $35.

Series one of Relatively Prime was released in 2012 and had stories about checkers, survival housing, swine flu, juggling, a Spanish basilica, and an alien civilization in England. Now the creator, Samuel Hansen, wants to produce a brand new series of 8 episodes that will feature yet more amazing mathematical stories. Stories like these:

Can the complexity of cities be measured, and is it possible that a computer game is the secret?

Why is modular arithmetic a clock? Can we really not compare apples and oranges? A study of mathematical metaphors.

Is it possible to know all things in mathematics?

If you can't, just what are mathematicians doing all day?

Where do you end up if you start with a single mathematical paper and follow it to the end of the line?

How can mathematics help you make better everyday decisions and do your chores with more ease?

Relatively Prime is a small show with huge ambitions, and as good as the first series was the second one will be exponentially better. Please help us tell these wonderful mathematical stories.

Relatively Prime Series 2