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Hong Kong Transparency Database: tracking HK gov't requests to ISPs

The data were extracted from the excellent Hong Kong Transparency Report as well as transparency reports from various online service providers’ global transparency reports from 2010 onward– its shows a steep increase in surveillance requests, and hints that the HK government’s stats omit a large slice of its activities.

According to the data by Hong Kong Transparency Report

A 900% increase in the total reported requests submitted by the Hong Kong government in 2013, compared to 2010.

* Specifically, reported user’s data requests spiked to more than 5500 in 2013, while never having reached more than 190 before.

* On the contrary, content removal requests actually dropped from 2012 to 2013 – although the value is still at a 240% increase from that of 2010.

Hong Kong Transparency Database

(Thanks, Kyle!)

(Image: umbrella revolution_5059, Chet Wong, CC-BY)

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