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Boston bomber's stoner buddy was too high to lie to FBI, says attorney

Robel Phillipos (2nd L), a friend of suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is charged with lying to investigators, leaves the federal courthouse after a hearing in his case in Boston, Massachusetts May 13, 2014. [REUTERS]

Robel Phillipos (2nd L), a friend of suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is charged with lying to investigators, leaves the federal courthouse after a hearing in his case in Boston, Massachusetts May 13, 2014.

One of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s friends was incapable of lying to the FBI about visiting his dorm room and removing a backpack, because he was simply too high to recall what he did on that day, said the man’s attorney Monday. Robel Phillipos, 21, is one of three people prosecutors say visited the Boston bombing suspect’s dorm at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth on April 18, 2013.

U.S. prosecutors said in their opening statements that Phillipos had repeatedly lied to FBI interviewers about his actions that day. His attorney, Derege Demissie, contended that his client had no memory of his actions that day. “There will be ample evidence … much of it is undisputed that Robel spent the entire day of April 18 smoking marijuana, highly intoxicated, with several friends,” Demissie said. “His memory is jumbled, confused and completely discombobulated.”

Welp, there ya have it.

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