Kickstarting a port of Glorantha to the D20 system

Rob writes, One reason that Glorantha, a legendary RPG world that has influenced designers like Sandy Petersen and White Wolf founder Mark Rein-Hagen, has been out of the mainstream is that its gaming systems (RuneQuest and HeroQuest) are not as familiar as D&D's D20-based system."

$20 gets you the new rules in PDF; $35 gets the rules and sourcebook as PDF; $50 gets the hardcover rules; $80 gets both books in hardcover (hardcovers come with PDFs).

Now Moon Design and Fire Opal Media have begun a Kickstarter to create "13th Age in Glorantha," which will combine the d20-based 13th Age RPG system with the deep world-building of Glorantha to the benefit of both.

13th Age in Glorantha

(Thanks, Rob!)