Open source hardware pumpkin-puppet

Gourdy 2.0

David writes, "A year ago I pledged to make a fully interactive version of my augmented jack-O-lantern, Gourdy; I've finally gotten around to doing it, and I'm releasing him free for anyone to use.

Gourdy 2.0 is a fully interactive digital puppet jack-o-lantern. He's written in Javascript and Processing.js, held together by SpaceBrew, and runs in any web browser. In this case he's an Ipad resting inside a foam craft-pumpkin I carved – but he could just as easily be an Android tablet in a real pumpkin, or even an Iphone in one of those mini pumpkins.

This video also represents the dorkiest thing I have made to date.

Gourdy is built entirely out of public domain parts, so I'm cleaning up his code to release back into the public domain. It'll take a while, but if there's enough interest I'll push to get him out in time for Halloween.

Happy Haunting!

Meet Gourdy, the world’s first sentient pumpkin!

(Thanks, David!)