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Australian PM trades freedom for security, deserves neither

Tony Abbot’s given a speech warning Australians that the police state is inevitable, saying there would be “more restrictions on some so that there can be more protections for others.”

PM Abbot promised to shift the “delicate balance” between freedom and security because ISIS is composed of thousand-foot tall immortal ninjas who can shoot lasers out of their eyes.

PM Abbot evidently believes that Australia’s signal virtue is its real estate, not its policies — that is, that the reason to love Australia is just because of where it is, not what’s going on there; from this, it’s possible to believe that you can “protect” Australia by demolishing its civil liberties and rule of law, because Australia is nothing more than a bunch of stuff, and not a set of principles.

“Regrettably, for some time to come, Australians will have to endure more security than we’re used to, and more inconvenience than we’d like,” Mr Abbott said.

“Regrettably, for some time to come, the delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift.

“After all, the most basic freedom of all is the freedom to walk the streets unharmed and to sleep safe in our beds at night.”

Mr Abbott’s comments come after the government agreed to explicitly ban torture in new national security legislation to be introduced to the Parliament this week.

The Prime Minister told the House of Representatives that laws would include the creation of an offence for travelling to certain areas, such as Raqqa in Syria, without good reason.

“My unambiguous message to all Australians who fight with terrorist groups is that you will be arrested, prosecuted and jailed for a very long time; and that our laws are being changed to make it easier to keep potential terrorists off our streets,” Mr Abbott said.

“The only safe place for those who have been brutalised and militarised by fighting with terrorists is inside a maximum security prison.”

‘The delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift’: Tony Abbott [Lisa Cox/SMH]

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(Image: Big Brother Award)

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