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Suspected robber/murdered wears "Crime Pays" shirt to court

Jeremiah Jackson, in court yesterday for charges of robbing and killing a woman, wore a t-shirt that said “Crime Pays.” The judge wasn’t pleased.

From Philadelphia Daily News:

“That’s an interesting choice of shirt you wore to court,” Municipal Judge Teresa Carr Deni said, sarcastically.

Jakson, 22, told the judge someone gave him the shirt because he had no clothes of his own in jail.

For those who could not see the front of Jakson’s white T-shirt with pink letters, the angered judge announced what it said.

“I would object to that,” snapped defense lawyer Andres Jalon.

But Deni wasn’t finished, and later told Jalon he needed to follow up with the jail to find out why his client was allowed to appear in court wearing such a shirt, which she denounced as “unacceptable.”

(Unknown whether Jackson’s t-shirt was the Miami Vice-inspired design seen here, but you can have your very own from 8&9 Clothing.)

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