Boing Boing Staging

Attempted gunpoint robbery of cyclist recorded on helmet camera

At first, cyclist Mike Graziano thought he was merely avoiding a collision with an inattentive motorcyclist. When the man cut him off again, though–and produced what looked like a handgun–the scenario became clear.

“I was on a bike tour in a rough part of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in broad daylight when a thief attempted to steal my camera gear at gunpoint,” wrote Graziano. “I miraculously happened to be recording with a gopro on my forehead and captured this amazing piece of footage!”

Graziano was in Argentina as part of a cycling tour of 195 countries he’d kickstarted to march “into the most ‘dangerous’ areas on earth and will surprise everybody with the level of welcoming and gracious people they meet, leading to a serious evaluation of the assumptions we make about nations.”

Protip for robbers: learn the English words for things you would like to possess.

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