Cakeageddon: life-size "horror-farm" made from cake!

Evil Miss Cakehead's latest edible installation is a "horror-farm" featuring all manner of grotesqueries from baskets of entrails to slaughtered pigs, entirely made from cake!

It runs from Oct 29 to Nov 1, and will be presented at Standalone Farm in Letchworth Garden City. Miss Cakehead's been kind enough to send us some "making of" images, down below:

The event combines live horror action with cake for the first ever time, creating an incredible terrifying edible experience the likes of which have never been seen before. The family farm attraction taken over by renowned creative and food art curator Miss Cakehead for a special event targeted strictly at older teenagers and adults which features some of the world’s most infamous cake makers.

Red Riding Hood chasing you through the woods and the remains of the three slaughtered little pigs strung up and dripping ‘blood’ (strawberry sauce) are just some of the CAKE treats in store for you when the mistress of macabre cake takes over Letchworth Garden City’s Standalone Farm every night from the 29th October to the 1st November. Cakeageddon – the World’s first edible horror farm – will be extreme gruesome cake at its most terrifying.

Scattered around the farm will be a series of large scale cake installations which brave visitors will be able to tuck into if there dare… There will be plenty of nasty surprises in store as they go on their cake-walk though the night… Even the children’s play barn on the farm is touched by Miss Cakehead’s twisted mind, taken over by a nightmarish edible creation of Animal Farm.

(Thanks, Miss Cakehead!)