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Mind reading magic effect – The Code by Andy Nyman

Jane and I have been having a great time with The Code, a magic effect created by actor and magician Andy Nyman. It’s made by Theory 11 and consists of a deck of playing cards and a one-hour instructional DVD that includes several excellent mind-reading routines you can perform with the deck.

There’s no memorization, forces, or slight-of-hand required to use the deck, which means you can focus on the routine. Nyman is a great teacher (and an interesting person – he’s the co-creator and co-writer of the TV shows Derren Brown – Mind Control and Trick of the Mind) and the included DVD is very well-produced. The deck and DVD come in a cool-looking box, too, which is indicative of the high-level of quality I’ve come to except from everything Theory 11 does.

The Code by Andy Nyman ($25)

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