Bob Mould: gay dance parties, punk rock, state fairs


Over at Salon, punk legend Bob Mould talks to Rick Moody about rocking out in your 50s, deejaying big gay dance parties, and playing the Minnesota State Fair. I love Bob Mould.

From Salon:


…I’m still doing a handful of DJ things but nowhere near as much as with Blowoff (the gay dance party he launched in Washington D.C. with Rich Morel). When “Silver Age” came out it was really clear that the guitar stuff was going to take all my time again. Instead of splitting it up like I had been doing, I really needed to take a break from the DJ thing so I could be completely available for the guitar stuff.

So are you feeling that as a loss?

I’m happy where I am but it also feels like a loss. I miss the bear community a little bit. I miss hanging out with Rich. When I moved away from D.C. five years ago, I sensed that things were going to shift. But if the stars line up where we get back together and work on it, great; if not everything’s good too. I do miss the big gay parties that we deejayed. It’s very different standing on a stage with a guitar looking out at a thousand Bob Mould fans versus staring out looking at a thousand hot guys with their shirts off. It’s a very different kind of story to tell. They have a lot of similarities, but it’s a different kind of preparation, right before the lights go down. Instead of Are my shoes double tied, it’s more like, Do I look hot in this T-shirt?

Bob Mould: “Father Time’s trying to get in the band and I’m trying to keep him out of the band” (Salon)

Bob Mould's new LP, Beauty & Ruin (Amazon)

Bob Mould interview and performance on Boing Boing Video:

Bob Mould on Boing Boing: interview and performance