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Ethan Nadelmann on Democracy Now : Pot Decriminalization Advances in the U.S

Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now about the growing movement for drug decriminalization that is moving ahead in the United States.

On Monday, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said he would sign a bill that would make Philadelphia the largest city in the country to decriminalize marijuana possession. Just two weeks ago, the City Council in Santa Fe voted to decriminalize marijuana. Earlier this year, District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray signed a bill to decriminalize possession of up to an ounce of marijuana in the U.S. capital.

Ballot initiatives on legalization of marijuana will go before voters in Oregon, Florida and Alaska in November. This comes two years after voter initiatives in Colorado and Washington state legalized recreational marijuana.

The full segment which also includes the Global Commission and its release of their new report “Taking Control: Pathways to Drug Polices the Work” can be seen here.

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